Weekend pirate loggings 11/7-11/9/14
If I get a chance, I'll put a real blog entry up about how I'm about to start contacting stations with tentative write ups for the
2014 Pirate Radio Annual. . . way behind schedule. But I edited a bunch of audio files today and I'm hoping to get a lot more finished this weekend.
Unid: 6940, 11/8, 0025+ Weak signal here with occasional fade ups. A lot of adjacent-channel QRM is killing my chances of digging out any program details. Not sure, but there's a decent chance that this is Premiere Radio International from Ireland. PRI was on this frequency earlier in the evening.
Cool AM relay: 6920, 11/8, 0030+ I haven't heard any IDs yet, but I've been hearing lots of Dixieland jazz songs. Nice, strong signal
XLR8: 6935U, 11/8, 0048+ Variety of music, dance, punk, Black Sabbath, etc. Nice signal here, but getting hammered by splatter from a utility on about 6937 or 6938. Still running at 0542 UTC!
Pirate Radio Boston: 6920, 11/8, 0112+ Excellent signal for PRB's 22nd anniversary show. Charlie Loudenboomer reading listener letters, including some from last year on 1720 kHz. Charlie said that Dr. Benway uses "lots of chicken wire" for the ground on those MW antennas. Thanks to RF Whatever, JTA, MAC, etc.
Big Dog Radio: 6925U, 11/8, 2348+ Huge signal & nice audio with Lynyrd Skynyrd "Freebird." Promo "If you can't run with the big dogs, well, it's probably best if stay on the porch" & off
Cupid Radio (Netherlands): 21460, 11/8, 1540+ Very nice signal, almost 100% copyable, with shoutouts to DXpedition, Trans Europe, me, etc. Clear SSTV image of an immodest bear decoded.
Radio Hardanger (presumed Netherlands): 6296, 11/9, 0048+ Heard for about 15 min. with a fair-good signal and many IDs. Played some polka, dance music, and even calypso. Hammered by a spur signing on at 0100 UTC. Does anyone have contact info for this station?
Liquid Radio: 6925.3, 11/9, 0120+ Fair signal with music that's more poppy than techno tonight so far. Clear ID by one of the DJs, announcing the 97.7 frequency. Heavy pescador QRM.
Edmund Fitzgerald Radio: 6925, 11/9, 2257+ Extremely strong here with old two-way communications from people involved in the rescue efforts, the song "Wreck of the
Edmund Fitzgerald," and the names of those who died on the ship. E-mail address announced and tolling bells.
Channel Z: 6925.1, 11/10, 0010+ Excellent signal with 10th anniversary show. CZ talking about all of the help that he received from the transmitter-building group, Fearless Fred, Dave Martin, & Radio Anarchy. Said that he was playing the Sham 69 cover of "With a Little Help from My Friends" for these guys + a Sex Pistols tune for Radio Anarchy.
Germany Calling: 6940, 11/10, 0108+ Another really nice signal, with big band by Charlie and His Orchestra, original Germany Calling IDs by Lord Haw Haw, and at least one computer-voiced e-mail address announcement. BTW, this was originally aired on Halloween to show the horrors of WWII; it's not a tribute.