Sunday, August 31, 2014

Labor Day Weekend Loggings: 8/31-9/2/14

Labor Day Weekend Loggings: 8/31-9/2/14

I've missed out on most of the activity this weekend, although there's been a lot. Just checked the radio & have been listening to the Old-Time Radio unid. It's been in the 3300-3500 kHz area the past week or so, but it's back to the nominal 6770.

Old-Time Radio unid: 6770, 8/31, 1630+ Good signal here. Caught the end of the Adventures of Phillip Marlowe, then a brief "only you can stop forest fires" PSA, into CBS Radio IDs. Then an NBC Radio ID and into Richard Diamond, Private Detective show. Both of these shows are from the late '40s. The Adventures of Philip Marlowe has some great, cheesy lines in it.

YHWH: 9605, 9/1, 0400+ Saw that this one was logged by Kilokat7 on HFU, so I tuned in. Could only copy about 20% (maybe) of the voice, but did hear "Yahweh." Checked  one of my good recordings of the station from 21 MHz and the announcer's voice does sound the same. I think it's great how this station operates right in a number of different SWBC bands.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Logging: 8/14/14

Logging: 8/14/14

Just missed a show of WEAK being rebroadcast on 6932 kHz USB, a favorite frequency of pescadors.

Old-Time Radio unid: 6770, 8/14, 0410+ fair signal with lots of static crashes. Murder at Midnight episode. I think it was "The House Where Death Lived," which was originally aired on December 23, 1946.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Loggings: 8/5-8/8/14

I haven't had time to update some loggings on here. Also, I've planned for about the past week to write an Auds'n'Ends about the end of the Old-Time Radio unid. This station came on the air around May 18 and was on nearly continuously until into July, then it signed off . . . and it looked like that might be it. But it's back:

Old-Time Radio unid: 6770, 8/5, 2257+ Excellent signal with old-time radio shows. 0200-0300: Abbott & Costello Show with atomic bomb skits and Mel Blanc Show with Mel finally getting engaged to Betty, but  sorta gets engaged to someone else, too.

MAC: 6950.3, 8/5, ca.0140 Excellent signal with the James Stewart show. Talking about the Jimmy Stewart marathon that I think's going to be on AMC. Big band music. Talk about how the show was done on the fly, with no pre-planning.

XLR8: 6925U, 8/5, 0140+ I was checking on this one with the backup receiver and antenna. Signal was fairly weak--especially on this receiver/antenna combo. Think it mostly sounded like country music

Old-Time Radio unid: 6770, 8/7, 0000+ Excellent signal with Amos'n'Andy program. Andy wants to propose to Gertrude. Evidently, this episode is called "Marriage Proposal Mixup" and was originally aired on November 17, 1944.

Rave On Radio: 6925U, 8/7, ca.0210-0220* Jerry Garcia birthday show, with appropriate music. Near the end, the ROR announcer said that he was going to sign off and burn off the last of the gas from the generator. Jerry Garcia SSTV at the end of the show. Good signal--one of the best I've had from ROR.

Generation Wild 100: 6950U, 8/7, ca.0210 Huge signal noted in passing on my way to record ROR. Moody Blues song--I didn't write down which one, but I think it was "Gemeni Dream." Regardless, it was one from the late era. GW100's SSB audio sounds as nice as Wolverine Radio and X-FM (when they were doing USB and not C-Quam stereo).

Old-Time Radio unid: 6770, 8/8, 2115+ VG signal with an "Our Miss Brooks" episode. I think Miss Brooks was auctioning off something

Nonpirate logs

MARS net: 6833.5U, 8/7, 0020+ Talking about weather and golfing

Trenton Military (VOLMET): 6754U, 8/7, 0022+ Clear IDs & timecheck at 0025. Lots of aeronautic weather for places in Canada

Monday, August 4, 2014

Future Radio Projects?

Future Radio Projects?

Yes, I know that I need to finish the cabinet for the Philco 87. But, I bought three rough project radios at the Berryville hamfest on Sunday. These will probably wind up sitting around in the radio room or in the attic for one or more years. I bought the lot of three for $20, so I feel like I can't go wrong. But these are going to require a LOT of work:

A Philco 37-620 tombstone. Knobs are missing, the photofinish is toast, the escutcheon has rust and the paint has worn through. It looks better in the photo than it does in real life. Also, I looked up information on this radio and apparently it contains some tough-to-reach capacitors and a tar-sealed capacitor block.
An RCA T6-9 tombstone. Rough finish, peeling veneer, missing knobs, and dial that's wearing off some of the labels are the highlights of this one. I wish I could find new grille cloth in that wheat pattern. It's very cool.
The last radio has the most possibilities: an uncommon version of the Philco 38-15 tabletop. This is by far the cleanest radio; the biggest problem is, again, missing knobs. Why were people stealing the knobs? Was the latest owner using them on other radios or did someone have the biggest radio knob collection in his town?